In our practice, we use standard acupuncture to address the qi, blood, meridians, fluids, temperatures, internal organs - essentially all systems of the body. In addition we use a combination of therapies dealing with the biomechanics and alignment of the body. The primary focus is integration of all systems in order to heal properly.

The standard acupuncture approach is all about addressing the qi of the body. Qi is the energy, the driving force that keeps the body alive and functioning in everyday activities. Without it, the systems of the body would not be able to communicate and work together in order to carry out daily tasks. Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on a checks and balance system. It is believed (tried, tested, and true) that using acupuncture in accessing the body through its acupoints (placed on the meridians) will help heal the body as the meridians are a direct link to the internal organs. In metaphorical terms, the meridians are like highways, the points are areas of access, the Qi is the car, and the acupuncturist is the traffic controller. Acupuncturists have the ability to strengthen or sedate in order to achieve a balanced system. When one area has too much or too little of energy this will cause a compensatory chain of events resulting in other areas picking up the slack where performance is lacking.

Acupuncture can treat a wide range of acute or chronic diseases and disorders. Some examples include:

-Pain (back, neck, knee, etc.)

-Headache (e.g. migraines)






-Allergies / congestion

-Common cold


-Belly’s palsy


-Menstrual problems (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea)

-Morning sickness


-Acid reflux








-Autoimmue Diseases

-Covid-19 Recovery (including long-haul symptoms)